How Important Is Caulking Your Windows On Your Home

We always get asked this question. Should we have our windows caulked, my answer is always yes, Let me explain why. Firstly, who are we, we are the leading Caulking Melbourne company with over 10 years experience providing the best finishes.

Have you thought about caulking your windows? But not sure if it is something you need to do. Keep reading for the only answer you need.

This is a common question we come across from our clients or potential clients on a daily basis. So I have laid out the benefits you will receive from caulking your windows to help you make the decision for yourself.

Benefit No.1

The first benefit you will receive from caulking your windows is keeping bugs and other insects from getting inside your home, When you leave your windows unsealed from you leave your home exposed to letting insects in. This can be an issue especially when windows lead directly to your kitchen.

Benefit No.2

Another issue from leaving your windows unsealed is the unfinished look you will get, When the windows are to bricks and the bricks are uneven it can look especially unflattering with inconsistent gaps running up your window. You might also have mortar sticking out, You don’t want to spend a lot of money on building your brand new home and leaving the final touches undone. Be sure to check with your builder to make sure sealed windows are included in the build.

Benefit No.3

I’m sure when winter comes around you want to keep your heat in and then keep the heat out in summer. Properly sealed windows will help you achieve both of these. As you can see from above photos if those gaps were left exposed there would be nothing to keep unwanted weather out.

Some Tips To Make Sure Your Windows Are Sealed Correctly :

  • Be sure to make sure the seal is done in a UV resistant silicone. When done in a polyurethane sun and weather can cause cracking over time.
  • If the caulking is not applied off the gun finish, The surface or window will need to be taped to make sure you have clean lines.
  • The sealant should be finished in the window color, When done correctly, There will be minimal lines on the windows and clean lines on the brick/surface.

Photos of correctly sealed windows.

If you need any Caulking Melbourne, make sure to contact the best in the business.

Check out our article on How to caulk a kitchen sink Gallery for any further Caulking information


Please contact Jono to discuss your individual job requirements.